Note: Please do not enter any PO Box address, which your package can’t be dispatched to by any express.
Normally the orders that have been shipped out (you have received the tracking number or your order status is completed) cannot be canceled. If you have to refuse delivery after the package is dispatched from the site due to force majeure, you are subject to the return and refund policies and must pay for the original shipping charges, which will be deducted from your refund.
Please note that you will be required to sign for your package upon delivery. If you are not at home at the time of delivery and do not receive your package, we will send you an email to notify you of it. You can contact the delivery company to arrange another delivery.
If you do not contact the delivery company within a few days after the delivery attempt, they may return the goods to us. A return charge may be assigned to us, which maybe twice the delivery cost. If in the case of this happening, we reserve the right to ask you to pay the returning charge plus an additional cost for redelivery before we are able to re-dispatch the item to you.
Shipping time: usually 10-16 days.
Processing time: usually 2-7 days.